Currently, the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services reports an average detective salary in Wyoming of $73,216, which is an hourly wage of $35.20. Starting salaries are reported to average anywhere from $47,569 to $54,704. Salaries among professionals with a lot of experience can average from $87,360 to $114,254. Of course, there is always geographical variation with salary.
Below are salaries by city which the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services has published:
Sweetwater County (Rock Springs)
- Average: $63,585
- Median: $64,209
- Starting: $50,668 to $56,076
- Experience: $71,552 to $74,609
Freemont County (Lander, Riverton)
- Average: $77,043
- Median: $61,588
- Starting: $48,859 to $53,580
- Experience: $110,822
Also, the following detective salaries throughout Wyoming have been published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Area name
Annual mean wage
Southwestern Wyoming nonmetropolitan area